Record mode35LSQT0862Using the built-in flashUse the built-in flash in order to record stillpictures in dark places.pSet to Tape/Card Recording Mode.1 Set [ADVANCE] >> [FLASH] >> [`] or [`A].pIf [`A] is selected, then the flash willautomatically flash as necessary.2 Press the [PHOTO SHOT] button.pThe flash is activated and the picture will berecorded.pYou cannot use the built-in flash unless the cardis inserted in the Camcorder.pThe Camcorder, even when its flash has beenturned off, automatically determines if the flashis necessary by detecting the ambientbrightness. (If it determines that the flash isnecessary, the [ ] indication lights up inyellow.)pWhen the [`] ([`K]/[`L]) indication or the [`A]([`AK]/[`AL]) indication is displayed, the flashcan be lit. If the indication is flashing or notdisplayed, the flash cannot be lit.pThe available range of the flash is approx. 3 to7.5 feet (1 to 2.5 m) in a dark place. Pictures willappear dark or reddish when they are recordedby using the flash at distances greater than7.5 feet (2.5 m).pWhen set [FLASH] >> [`A] and the shutterspeed, iris or gain is adjusted, the indication(either [`A], [`AK], or [`AL]) may disappearand the flash may not be lighted.pUsing the flash fixes the shutter speed of1/750 s or faster to 1/500.pThe picture may become out of focus in a darkplace. If so, adjust the focus manually.pThe picture may appear dark if flash is lit in frontof a white background.pSet the flash to [ ] where using a flash isprohibited.pDo not block the flash by hand or any othermeans.x When the flash is not usedSet [ADVANCE] >> [FLASH] >> [ ].x To adjust the brightness of the flash1 Set [ADVANCE] >> [FLASH LEVEL] >>select the desired brightness level.[`L]: If the brightness is too high ([`L] or[`AL] indication will appear).[`F0]: In normal recording (the [`] or [`A]indication will appear).[`K]: If the brightness is insufficient ([`K]or [`AK] indication will appear.)x Red eye reduction functionReduces the phenomena where human eyesbecome red from flashes.1 Set [ADVANCE] >> [RED EYE] >> [ON].pRed eye phenomenon may appear dependingon the recording conditions.x Using the flash VW-FLH3 (optional)pThe flash permits still picture recording in a darkplace 7.5 feet (2.5 m) or more distant from thesubject. The available range of the flash isapprox. 3 to 13 feet (1 to 4 m).pWhen the flash becomes ready to flash, the [`]indication appears.pThe optional flash and the built-in flash cannotbe used simultaneously.pThe brightness of the flash cannot be adjusted.pThe shutter speed, iris/gain, and white balancebecome fixed.pUsing the flash outdoors or with backlight orother bright conditions may result in whiteblotches (color blotches) on the pictures. If so,either adjust the iris manually or use thebacklight compensation function, without usingthe flash.pCarefully read the operating instructions for theflash.PHOTOSHOT