Record mode40LSQT0862Manual shutter speed/apertureadjustmentShutter SpeedAdjust it when recording fast-moving subjects.When recording people outdoors at night, select aslow shutter speed and use a flash. Both thesubject and the background will become brighter.ApertureAdjust it when the screen is too bright or too dark.pSet to Tape/Card Recording Mode.1 Set the [AUTO/MANUAL/FOCUS] switch to[MANUAL].2 Move the joystick down until the shutterspeed indication or aperture valueindication appears.1) Shutter speed2) (Aperture) Iris/gain value3 Move the joystick left or right in order toadjust the shutter speed or aperture.x To restore to automatic adjustmentSet the [AUTO/MANUAL/FOCUS] switch to[AUTO].Manual shutter speed adjustmentpAvoid recording under fluorescent light, mercurylight or sodium light because the color andbrightness of the playback image may change.pIf you increase the shutter speed manually, thesensitivity lowers and accordingly the gain valueincreases automatically, which may increasethe noises on the screen.pYou may see vertical lines of light in theplayback image of a brightly shining subject orhighly reflective subject, but this is not amalfunction.pDuring normal playback, image movement maynot look smooth.pWhen recording in an extremely bright place,the color of the screen may change or flicker. Ifthis happens adjust the shutter speed manuallyto 1/60 or 1/100.Manual iris/gain adjustmentpIf the value does not become “OPEN”, youcannot adjust the gain value.pIf the gain value is increased, the noise on thescreen increases.pDepending on the zoom magnification, there areiris values that are not displayed.x Shutter speed range1/60–1/8000 seconds: Tape Recording Mode1/2–1/2000 seconds: Card Recording ModeThe shutter speed closer to 1/8000 is faster.x Iris/gain value rangeCLOSE (Closed), F16, ..., F1.7,OPEN (Opened) 0dB, ..., 18dBValue closer to [CLOSE] darken the image.Value closer to [18dB] brighten the image.Values with dB are gain values.x Card slow shutter modepIf the shutter speed is set to 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, or1/15, then the card slow shutter mode will beactivated.pIf the [OFF/ON] switch or the mode dial isoperated, then the slow shutter mode will becanceled.pIn the slow shutter mode:pThe white balance is fixed.pFocus in manually.pIf the [AUTO/MANUAL/FOCUS] switch is set to[FOCUS], then the shutter speed willautomatically be set to 1/60 and the subject isfocused in on. After that the previous shutterspeed will be restored. When the subject isfocused on, [MF] flashes.pIf the scene is low in brightness or contrast, thesubject may not be focused in on.pWhile the Camcorder is focusing on the subject,you cannot operate any control on it with theexception of [OFF/ON] switch, mode dial,[AUTO/MANUAL/FOCUS] switch and[POWER LCD] button.AUTOMANUALFOCUS1/1000MNL1)1/60F2.00dBMNL2)1/60OPENOdBMNLMF