21♦ By using terminals No. 8 and 9, the output frequency can be controlled withthe PWM signal.· No. 8: Frequency setting signal changeover input terminal (SW2)(OFF: PWM signal, ON: controlled with signal set in parameterP09)· No. 9: PWM signal input terminal3 8PWMsignalSW2Note 1) When controlling the output frequency with the PWMsignal, parameters P22, P23 and P24 must be set.Note 2) Use a PWM signal transistor (Tr) that has the followingcapabilities:· Maximum rated voltage : 50VDC or more· Rated current : 50mA or more9Precautions1. Use shielded wires for all control signal wires and keep them more than 20cm from power wiring.2. Maximum control signal wire length is 30m or less.3. The control circuit's input signal is a minute signal, so use two minutesignal contacts in parallel or use a twin contact to prevent contact faultswhen inputting the contact.4. No-voltage contact signal or open-collector outputs signal should be usedwith control terminals No. 5 to 9.(If a voltage signal is applied across these terminals, the internal electronicsmay be damaged.)∗ Input circuit specifications are shown below. Take special care to avoidloop or leakage current.5. When an inductive load is to be driven by an open-collector output, be sureto use a freewheel diode.12VDC2kΩTerminalsNo.5 to 9Xe.g.24VDCpower sourceFreewheel diodeInverter internal circuit Inverterinternal circuitTerminalNo.10TerminalNo.11+TerminalNo.3