65z To enable external control by an external switch or PLC, follow theprocedure below.(1) Enabling external control for start/stop and forward/reverse.......................(Parameter P08)(To change parameter P08 from "0" to "2")[Changing procedure] [Terminal connection (P08=2)]Changing from Local Control toExternal Control[Terminal connection (P09=4)]ON : Reverse runOFF : StopON : ReverseOFF : ForwardCommon termionalON : Forward runOFF : Stop<>356ON : StartOFF : Stop356Common termionalPress the STOP button to stop the inverter.Press the SET button and set the data.∗ This completes setting the data.STOPPress the MODE button three times.Change from P01 to P08 using the ••buttons.•・•Press the SET button.Change from "0" to "2" using the ••buttons.•・•(2) Enabling external control for frequency setting signals(0 to 10V) ....................(Parameter P09)(To change parameter P09 from "0" to "4".)Press the SET button and set the data.Press the SET button.Change from "0" to "4" using the ••buttons.•・•Press the MODE button.123+-4 to 20mA∗ Operation can be started when the data has been set.[Other signalconnections]<: P09=2>>10kΩ,1/4W(Min)23<<0 to 5V: P09=3>>0 to 5V+-23<<4 to 20mA: P09=5>>200Ω(Important)When using the 4 to 20mAsignal, always connect a "200Ωresistor". The inverter could bedamaged if the 200Ω resistor isnot connected.0 0 010P080P290PMain display0401P0 0 023+-0 to 10VMODESETSETSETSETMODE PreviousNext |