Symptom Cause/solution Reference pages• Is the setting of port forwarding configured for therouter?To enable the access to the camera via the Internet,it is necessary to perform the port forwarding settingwhen the router in use does not support the UPnPfunction. Refer to the manuals provided with therouter for further information.• Is the UPnP function of the router disabled?Refer to the manuals provided with the router in useto enable the UPnP function.• Is packet filtering set for the router to forbid theaccess via the Internet?Configure the settings of the router in use to enablethe access via the Internet. Refer to the manualsprovided with the router for further information aboutthe settings.138• Are you accessing the camera using the localaddress (the IP address used in a local network)?When accessing the camera, use the global address(or the URL registered in the DDNS service) and theport number of the camera as the IP address to beused in the Internet.126127157Cannot access the cameravia the URL of the“” service.• Is the global address of camera (or router) notifiedto the “” service server?Log into the “My Account” page of“” website( to check theinformation of the registered camera. If the globaladdress is not displayed for the IP address, accessthe camera, and register the user information for the“” service on the [Advanced] tab onthe “Network” page of the setup menu. In addition,check the “Status” of “” (on the[Status] tab) and the system log (on the [Systemlog] tab) of the “Maintenance” page of the setupmenu.160172Authentication window isdisplayed repeatedly.• Is the user name and password changed?While accessing the camera, when changing theuser name and password of another user logginginto the camera on another web browser, theauthentication window will be displayed each timethe screen is changed or refreshed.• Have you changed the [Authentication] setting?When the [Authentication] setting has beenchanged, close the web browser, and then accessthe camera again.-It takes time to display thescreen.• Are you accessing the camera in the HTTPS mode?In this mode, the refresh interval becomes slowerdue to decode processing.-188 Operating Instructions20 Troubleshooting