Symptom Cause/solution Reference pagesThe following message isdisplayed on the informationbar.“This site might require thefollowing ActiveX control'nwcv4Ssetup.exe' from'Panasonic Corporation'.Click here to install...”(Internet Explorer 7 or InternetExplorer 8)• Click the information bar and select “InstallActiveX Control”.The “Security Warning” window will be displayed.Click the [Install] button on the displayed“Security Warning” window.-The following message isdisplayed on the informationbar.“This webpage wants to installthe following add-on:`nwcv4Ssetup.exe' from`Panasonic Corporation`.”(Internet Explorer 9, InternetExplorer 10, or InternetExplorer 11)• Select [Install]. The “Security Warning” windowwill be displayed. Click the [Install] button on thedisplayed “Security Warning” window.-An unnecessary status bar orscroll bar is displayed on thepop-up window.• Click “Internet Options...” under “Tools” of themenu bar of Internet Explorer, and then click the[Security] tab. Click “Internet” in the “Select azone to view or change security settings.”section. Then, click the [Custom level...] buttonto open the “Security Settings” window. Under“Miscellaneous”, select “Enable” for “Allowscript-initiated windows without size or positionconstraints”. Click the [OK] button.When the warning window is displayed, click the[Yes] button.-Images do not fit in theframes.• When “120 DPI” or higher is selected for “DPIsetting”, they may not be displayed correctly.When using Windows 8.1:Right-click on the desktop, click “Screenresolution” ® “Make text and other items largeror smaller”, and then move the slider of “Changethe size of all items” to “Smaller” so that thescreen becomes the recommended size.When using Windows 8/Windows 7:Right-click on the desktop, click “Screenresolution” ® “Make text and other items largeror smaller”, and then select “Smaller - 100%(default)”.When using Windows Vista:Right-click on the screen and click“Personalize” ® “Adjust font size (DPI)”, andthen select “Default scale (96 DPI)”.-196 Operating Instructions20 Troubleshooting