Circuit Descriptions, Abbreviation List, and IC Data Sheets EN 141BJ2.4U/BJ2.5U PA 9.I Monochrome TV system. Soundcarrier distance is 6.0 MHzI 2 C Integrated IC busI 2 D Integrated IC Data busI 2 S Integrated IC Sound busIB In Band channelIF Intermediate FrequencyInterlaced Scan mode where two fields are usedto form one frame. Each field containshalf the number of the total amount oflines. The fields are written in "pairs",causing line flicker.IR Infra RedIRQ Interrupt RequestITU-656 The ITU Radio communication Sector(ITU-R) is a standards bodysubcommittee of the InternationalTelecommunication Union relating toradio communication. ITU-656 (a.k.a.SDI), is a digitized video format usedfor broadcast grade video.Uncompressed digital component ordigital composite signals can be used.The SDI signal is self-synchronizing,uses 8 bit or 10 bit data words, and hasa maximum data rate of 270 Mbit/s,with a minimum bandwidth of 135MHz.ITV Institutional TeleVision; TV sets forhotels, hospitals etc.JOP Jaguar Output ProcessorLS Last Status; The settings last chosenby the customer and read and storedin RAM or in the NVM. They are calledat start-up of the set to configure itaccording to the customer'spreferencesLATAM Latin AmericaLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayLED Light Emitting DiodeL/L' Monochrome TV system. Soundcarrier distance is 6.5 MHz. L' is BandI, L is all bands except for Band ILORE LOcal REgression approximationnoise reductionLPL LG.Philips LCD (supplier)LS LoudspeakerLVDS Low Voltage Differential SignallingMbps Mega bits per secondM/N Monochrome TV system. Soundcarrier distance is 4.5 MHzMOP Matrix Output ProcessorMOSFET Metal Oxide Silicon Field EffectTransistor, switching deviceMPEG Motion Pictures Experts GroupMPIF Multi Platform InterFaceMUTE MUTE LineNC Not ConnectedNICAM Near Instantaneous CompoundedAudio Multiplexing. This is a digitalsound system, mainly used in Europe.NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient,non-linear resistorNTSC National Television StandardCommittee. Color system mainly usedin North America and Japan. Colorcarrier NTSC M/N= 3.579545 MHz,NTSC 4.43= 4.433619 MHz (this is aVCR norm, it is not transmitted off-air)NVM Non-Volatile Memory: IC containingTV related data such as alignmentsO/C Open CircuitOOB Out Of Band channelOSD On Screen DisplayOTC On screen display Teletext andControl; also called Artistic (SAA5800)P50 Project 50: communication protocolbetween TV and peripheralsPAL Phase Alternating Line. Color systemmainly used in West Europe (colorcarrier= 4.433619 MHz) and SouthAmerica (color carrier PAL M=3.575612 MHz and PAL N= 3.582056MHz)PCB Printed Circuit Board (same as"PWB")PCM Pulse Code ModulationPCMCIA Personal Computer Memory CardInternational AssociationPDP Plasma Display PanelPFC Power Factor Corrector (or Pre-conditioner)PIP Picture In PicturePLL Phase Locked Loop. Used for e.g.FST tuning systems. The customercan give directly the desired frequencyPOD Point Of Deployment: A removableCAM module, implementing the CAsystem for a host (e.g. a TV-set)POR Power On Reset, signal to reset the uPProgressive Scan Scan mode where all scan lines aredisplayed in one frame at the sametime, creating a double verticalresolution.PSIP Program and System InformationProtocol: A standard for (broadcast)digital television. PSIP consists ofchannel mapping data, program guidedata, information about closedcaptions and content advisory ratings,and other data related to the currentand future programs.PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient,non-linear resistorPWB Printed Wiring Board (same as "PCB")PWM Pulse Width ModulationQAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation;modulation methodQTNR Quality Temporal Noise ReductionQVCP Quality Video Composition ProcessorRAM Random Access MemoryRGB Red, Green, and Blue. The primarycolor signals for TV. By mixing levelsof R, G, and B, all colors (Y/C) arereproduced.RC Remote ControlRC5 / RC6 Signal protocol from the remotecontrol receiverRESET RESET signalROM Read Only MemoryR-TXT Red TeleteXTSAM Service Alignment ModeS/C Short CircuitSCART Syndicat des Constructeursd'Appareils Radiorecepteurs etTelevisieursSCL Serial Clock I2 CSCL-F CLock Signal on Fast I2 C busSD Standard DefinitionSDA Serial Data I2 CSDA-F DAta Signal on Fast I 2 C busSDI Serial Digital Interface, see “ITU-656”SDRAM Synchronous DRAMSECAM SEequence Couleur Avec Memoire.Color system mainly used in Franceand East Europe. Color carriers=4.406250 MHz and 4.250000 MHzSIF Sound Intermediate FrequencySMPS Switched Mode Power Supply PreviousNext |