Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault FindingEN 34 BJ2.4U/BJ2.5U PA5.5.4 Service Tools5.4.1 ComPairIntroductionComPair (Computer Aided Repair) is a service tool for PhilipsConsumer Electronics products. ComPair is a furtherdevelopment on the European DST (service remote control),which allows faster and more accurate diagnostics. ComPairhas three big advantages:1. ComPair helps you to quickly get an understanding on howto repair the chassis in a short time by guiding yousystematically through the repair procedures.2. ComPair allows very detailed diagnostics (on I2 C level) andis therefore capable of accurately indicating problem areas.You do not have to know anything about I2 C commandsyourself because ComPair takes care of this.3. ComPair speeds up the repair time since it canautomatically communicate with the chassis (when themicroprocessor is working) and all repair information isdirectly available. When ComPair is installed together withthe Force/SearchMan electronic manual of the defectivechassis, schematics and PWBs are only a mouse clickaway.SpecificationsComPair consists of a Windows based fault finding programand an interface box between PC and the (defective) product.The ComPair interface box is connected to the PC via a serial(or RS-232) cable.For this chassis, the ComPair interface box and the TVcommunicate via a bi-directional service cable via the serviceconnector(s).The ComPair fault finding program is able to determine theproblem of the defective television. ComPair can gatherdiagnostic information in two ways:• Automatically (by communicating with the television):ComPair can automatically read out the contents of theentire error buffer. Diagnosis is done on I 2 C/UART level.ComPair can access the I 2 C/UART bus of the television.ComPair can send and receive I 2C/UART commands tothe microcontroller of the television. In this way, it ispossible for ComPair to communicate (read and write) todevices on the I 2 C/UART buses of the TV-set.• Manually (by asking questions to you): Automaticdiagnosis is only possible if the microcontroller of thetelevision is working correctly and only to a certain extent.When this is not the case, ComPair will guide you throughthe fault finding tree by asking you questions (e.g. Does thescreen give a picture? Click on the correct answer: YES /NO) and showing you examples (e.g. Measure test-point I7and click on the correct oscillogram you see on theoscilloscope). You can answer by clicking on a link (e.g.text or a waveform picture) that will bring you to the nextstep in the fault finding process.By a combination of automatic diagnostics and an interactivequestion / answer procedure, ComPair will enable you to findmost problems in a fast and effective way.How to ConnectThis is described in the chassis fault finding database inComPair.Caution: It is compulsory to connect the TV to the PC asshown in the picture below (with the ComPair interface inbetween), as the ComPair interface acts as a level shifter. Ifone connects the TV directly to the PC (via UART), ICs will beblown!Figure 5-20 ComPair interface connectionHow to OrderComPair order codes (US):• ComPair Software: ST4191.• ComPair Interface Box: 4822 727 21631.• AC Adapter: T405-ND.• ComPair Quick Start Guide: ST4190.• ComPair interface extension cable: 3139 131 03791.• ComPair UART interface cable: 3122 785 90630.Note: If you encounter any problems, contact your localsupport desk.5.4.2 LVDS ToolIntroductionThis service tool (also called “ComPair Assistant 1“) may helpyou to identify, in case the TV does not show any picture,whether the Small Signal Board (SSB) or the display of a FlatTV is defective.Since 2004, the LVDS output connectors in our Flat TV modelsare standardized (with some exceptions). With the twodelivered LVDS interface cables (31p and 20p) you can covermost chassis (in special cases, an extra cable will be offered).When operating, the tool will show a small (scaled) picture ona VGA monitor. Due to a limited memory capacity, it is notpossible to increase the size when processing high-resolutionLVDS signals (> 1280x960). Below this resolution, or when aDVI monitor is used, the displayed picture will be full size.Generally this tool is intended to determine if the SSB isworking or not. Thus to determine if LVDS, RGB, and syncsignals are okay.How to ConnectConnections are explained in the user manual, which is packedwith the tool.Note: To use the LVDS tool, you must have ComPair release2004-1 (or later) on your PC (engine version >= 2.2.05).For every TV type number and screen size, one must choosethe proper settings via ComPair. The ComPair file will beupdated regularly with new introduced chassis information.How to Order• LVDS tool (incl. two LVDS cables: 31p and 20p):3122 785 90671.• LVDS tool Service Manual:3122 785 00810.• LVDS cable 31p/FI -> 31p/FI (for JL2.1 chassis):3122 785 90861.• LVDS cable 41p/FI -> 31p/FI (dual -> single LVDS):3122 785 90831.• LVDS cable 20p/DF -> 20p/DF (standard with tool):3122 785 90731.• LVDS cable 31p/FI -> 31p/FI (standard with tool):3122 785 90662.E_06532_021.eps180804PC VCR I2CPower9V DCTOUART SERVICECONNECTORTOI2C SERVICECONNECTOR PreviousNext |