Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding EN 31BJ2.4U/BJ2.5U PA 5.Figure 5-17 “Semi Stand-by” to “POD Stand-by” flowchartG_15960_134.eps100306action holder: MIPSautonomous actionaction holder: St-byPOD standbySemi Stand byThis state transition is entered when standby is requestedand an authenticated POD is present. When in semi-standby, the CEservices will set the POD standby NVMbit and ask infra to reboot. After the reboot, POD standbywill be entered. The Trimedia images are not started inthis case and CEsvc will ask infra to enter the HardwarePOD standby state.Switch OFF all supplies which are not needed in PODstandby by switching HIGH the ON-MODE I/O line.Disable +8V6 supply detection algorithmRebootPower-down HDMI and 1394 hardware by keepingPOWERDOWN-1394 GPIO 0 line high.Set Viper HW blocks (TM1, TM2, MBS, VMSP1 andVMSP2) to powerdown mode.Hibernate the PNX2015 memory and keep thePNX2015 in reset stateDisable audio protection algorithm