RELM Wireless Corporation 1IntroductionThis manual covers information used to program G-Series and D-SeriesBK Radio models, both portables and mobiles, via the radio’s keypad.Not all functions are available on all models. For instance, G-Seriesradios are not capable of digital operation so functions pertaining todigital operation will not appear when programming the radio.In addition, the information in this manual can be referenced to programolder L-Series and E-Series Programming optionsThere are three different ways to program BK Radio radios:KeyPad - A radio can be programmed with it’s keypad and aLAA0701 programming plug or cloning cable, LAA0700 or G/ECC.This manual describes these procedures.clonIng - You can transfer the programmed settings to anotherradio of the same frequency band by using a cloning cable. See the“Cloning Radio Settings” section of this manual.Pc - With a computer, proper programming software, and LAA 0725interface cable. That procedure is not described in this manual.Contact BK Radio for the required programming cable and modelsInstructions for keypad programming of the following models are coveredin this manual.gPh Standard analog portablegPh-XP Standard analog portable, extended frequency rangegPh-cmd Command analog portabledPh Standard digital/analog portabledPhX Standard digital/analog portable, extended frequency rangedPh-cmd Command digital/analog portablegmh Standard analog mobilegmh-XP Standard analog mobile, extended frequency rangedmh Standard digital/analog mobile, extended frequency range