46 BK Radio Programming Manualusing command model as the masterData that can be cloned to another CMD radio includes:Group data (GRP 01-25), Command Group data, Global data (GRP00) and User Pick Lists (UTXG, UNAC, and UTGID)Data that can be cloned to a standard D/GPH radio includes:Group data (GRP 00) and Command Group data.When cloning to a D/GPH radio, the Master’s global data is convertedto group data in the slave, and only the first 16 channels aretransferred.PRG TX RX SCN D CMND home channelT32 N4 G7PRG TX RX SCN D CMNDCMND CLONENOTE: When the Master’s Command Groupis cloned to a slave, the channel data that is‘pointed to’ by the Command Group istransferred to a target group (not theCommand Group) in the slave. The targetgroup’s label in the slave will be set to‘CMND CLN’.When receiving an incoming clone from a D/GPH radio, the DPH-CMDradio ignores group data other than the group label and the group scanlist bit. The DPH-CMD’s global data is not disturbed.NOTE: Some groups may be “locked” by PC programming to preventthem from being overwritten. Only “unlocked” groups will acceptincoming clones.cloning InstructionsPut the Master radio in Programming Mode by pressing and holdingthe master switch then pressing and holding the [FCN] key until thedisplay shows ‘PSWRD-******’. Enter the password of the selectedgroup. The display shows ‘PRG CH 00.’Connect the other plug of the cable to the side connector of the radioyou want to clone.Turn on the clone and set it to the desired channel group by pressingthe [ # ] key and entering the desired group number. To Commandradio Global Data to another Command radio, select “GRP 00”PRG TX RX SCN D CMND home channelT32 N4 G7PRG TX RX SCN D CMNDPROG|D/GPHCMDGROUP 01Press the [ * ] key on the Master radiokeypad. The radio will respond showing theprompt ‘PROG|D/GPHCMD’ on the first lineand ‘Group XX’ on the second line, whereXX is the currently selected group.