96 Chapter 7. The X Window SystemTipDue to the transition to the new font system, GTK+ 1.2 applications are not affected by any changesmade via the Font Preferences dialog (accessed by selecting Main Menu Button [on the Panel] =>Preferences => Font). For these applications, a font can be configured by adding the following linesto the file ~/.gtkrc.mine:style "user-font" {fontset = " w font-specification x "}widget_class "*" style "user-font"Replace y font-specificationz with a font specification in the style used by traditional X ap-plications, such as -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*. A full list of corefonts can be obtained by running xlsfonts or created interactively using the xfontsel command. Adding Fonts to FontconfigAdding new fonts to the Fontconfig subsystem is a straightforward process.1. To add fonts systemwide, copy the new fonts into the /usr/share/fonts/local/ directory.To add fonts for an individual user, copy the new fonts into the .fonts/ directory in the user’shome directory.2. Use the fc-cache command to update the font information cache, as in the following example:4fc-cache w path-to-font-directory xIn this command, replace { path-to-font-directory| with the directory containingthe new fonts (either /usr/share/fonts/local/ or /home/y userz /.fonts/).TipIndividual users may also install fonts graphically, by typing fonts:/// into the Nautilus address bar,and dragging the new font files there.ImportantIf the font filename ends with a .gz extension, it is compressed and cannot be used until uncom-pressed. To do this, use the gunzip command or double-click the file and drag the font to a directoryin Nautilus.