Chapter 11. Email 169NoteUsers are not required to place their password in the .fetchmailrc file. Omitting the with password’ î password ï ’ section causes Fetchmail to ask for a password when it is launched.Fetchmail has numerous global, server, and local options. Many of these options are rarely used oronly apply to very specific situations. The fetchmail man page explains each option in detail, butthe most common ones are listed here. Global OptionsEach global option should be placed on a single line after a set action.• daemon ð secondsñ — Specifies daemon-mode, where Fetchmail stays in the background. Re-place ò secondsó with the number of seconds Fetchmail is to wait before polling the server.• postmaster — Specifies a local user to send mail to in case of delivery problems.• syslog — Specifies the log file for errors and status messages. By default, this is/var/log/maillog. Server OptionsServer options must be placed on their own line in .fetchmailrc after a poll or skip action.• auth ð auth-typeñ — Replace ò auth-typeó with the type of authentication to be used. Bydefault, password authentication is used, but some protocols support other types of authentication,including kerberos_v5, kerberos_v4, and ssh. If the any authentication type is used, Fetchmailfirst tries methods that do not require a password, then methods that mask the password, and finallyattempts to send the password unencrypted to authenticate to the server.• interval ð numberñ — Polls the specified server every ð numberñ of times that it checks foremail on all configured servers. This option is generally used for email servers where the user rarelyreceives messages.• port ð port-numberñ — Replace ò port-numberó with the port number. This value over-rides the default port number for the specified protocol.• proto ð protocolñ — Replace ò protocoló with the protocol, such as pop3 or imap, to usewhen checking for messages on the server.• timeout ð secondsñ — Replace ò secondsó with the number of seconds of server inactivityafter which Fetchmail gives up on a connection attempt. If this value is not set, a default of 300seconds is assumed. User OptionsUser options may be placed on their own lines beneath a server option or on the same line as the serveroption. In either case, the defined options must follow the user option (defined below).• fetchall — Orders Fetchmail to download all messages in the queue, including messages thathave already been viewed. By default, Fetchmail only pulls down new messages.• fetchlimit ð numberñ — Replace ò numberó with the number of messages to be retrievedbefore stopping.