Chapter 4. The sysconfig Directory 414.1.29. /etc/sysconfig/redhat-logviewerThe /etc/sysconfig/redhat-logviewer file is the configuration file for the graphical, interac-tive log viewing application, Log Viewer. This file is edited by the Edit => Preferences pull-downmenu in the Log Viewer application and should not be edited by hand. For more information onusing this application, refer to the chapter called Log Files in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux SystemAdministration Guide.4.1.30. /etc/sysconfig/sambaThe /etc/sysconfig/samba file is used to pass arguments to the smbd and the nmbd daemons atboot time. The smbd daemon offers file sharing connectivity for Windows clients on the network. Thenmbd daemon offers NetBIOS over IP naming services. For more information about what parametersare available for this file, refer to the smbd man page. By default, this file sets smbd and nmbd to runin daemon mode.4.1.31. /etc/sysconfig/sendmailThe /etc/sysconfig/sendmail file allows messages to be sent to one or more clients, routingthe message over whatever networks are necessary. The file sets the default values for the Sendmailapplication to run. Its default values are to run as a background daemon and to check its queue oncean hour in case something has backed up.The following values may be used:• DAEMON=J value K , where J valueK is one of the following boolean values:• yes — Sendmail should be configured to listen to port 25 for incoming mail. yes implies theuse of Sendmail’s -bd options.• no — Sendmail should not be configured to listen to port 25 for incoming mail.• QUEUE=1h which is given to Sendmail as -q$QUEUE. The -q option is not given to Sendmail if/etc/sysconfig/sendmail exists and QUEUE is empty or undefined.4.1.32. /etc/sysconfig/spamassassinThe /etc/sysconfig/spamassassin file is used to pass arguments to the spamd daemon (a dae-monized version of Spamassassin) at boot time. Spamassassin is an email spam filter application. Fora list of available options, refer to the spamd man page. By default, it configures spamd to run indaemon mode, create user preferences, and auto-create whitelists.For more information about Spamassassin, refer to Section Spam Filters.4.1.33. /etc/sysconfig/squidThe /etc/sysconfig/squid file is used to pass arguments to the squid daemon atboot time. The squid daemon is a proxy caching server for Web client applications. Formore information on configuring a squid proxy server, use a Web browser to open the/usr/share/doc/squid- J versionK / directory (replace L versionM with the squid versionnumber installed on the system). By default, this file sets squid to start in daemon mode and sets theamount of time before it shuts itself down.