Chapter 10. Apache HTTP Server 133It is also important to note that both the SSLLog and SSLLogLevel directives have been removed.The mod_ssl module now obeys the ErrorLog and LogLevel directives. Refer to Section 10.5.34ErrorLog and Section 10.5.35 LogLevel for more information about these directives.For more on this topic, refer to the following documentation on the Apache Software Foundation’swebsite:•• The mod_proxy ModuleProxy access control statements are now placed inside a Å Proxy Æ block rather than a Å Directoryproxy:Æ .The caching functionality of the old mod_proxy has been split out into the following three modules:• mod_cache• mod_disk_cache• mod_mem_cacheThese generally use directives similar to the older versions of the mod_proxy module, but it is advis-able to verify each directive before migrating any cache settings.For more on this topic, refer to the following documentation on the Apache Software Foundation’swebsite:• The mod_include ModuleThe mod_include module is now implemented as a filter and is therefore enabled differently. Referto Section 10.2.4 Modules and Apache HTTP Server 2.0 for more about filters.For example, the following is a sample Apache HTTP Server 1.3 directive:AddType text/html .shtmlAddHandler server-parsed .shtmlTo migrate this setting to Apache HTTP Server 2.0, use the following structure:AddType text/html .shtmlAddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtmlNote that just as before, the Options +Includes directive is still required for the Å DirectoryÆcontainer or in a .htaccess file.For more on this topic, refer to the following documentation on the Apache Software Foundation’swebsite:•