Chapter 10. Apache HTTP Server 12710.2. Migrating Apache HTTP Server 1.3 Configuration FilesThis section is for those migrating an Apache HTTP Server 1.3 configuration file to be utilized byApache HTTP Server 2.0.If upgrading the to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1, thenthe new stock configuration file for the Apache HTTP Server 2.0 package is installed as/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.rpmnew and the original version 1.3 httpd.conf is nottouched. It is, of course, entirely up to you whether to use the new configuration file and migrate theold settings to it or use the existing file as a base and modify it to suit; however, some parts of the filehave changed more than others and a mixed approach is generally the best. The stock configurationfiles for both version 1.3 and 2.0 are divided into three sections.If the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file is a modified version of the newly installed default anda saved a copy of the original configuration file is available, it may be easiest to invoke the diffcommand, as in the following example:diff -u httpd.conf.orig httpd.conf | lessThis command highlights any modifications made. If a copy of the original file is not available, extractit from an RPM package using the rpm2cpio and cpio commands, as in the following example:rpm2cpio apache- » version-number ¼ .i386.rpm | cpio -i --makeIn the above command, replace ½ version-number¾ with the version number for the apachepackage.Finally, it is useful to know that the Apache HTTP Server has a testing mode to check for configurationerrors. To use access it, type the following command:apachectl configtest10.2.1. Global Environment ConfigurationThe global environment section of the configuration file contains directives which affect the overalloperation of the Apache HTTP Server, such as the number of concurrent requests it can handle andthe locations of the various files. This section requires a large number of changes, as compared tothe others, and it is therefore recommended to base this section on the Apache HTTP Server 2.0configuration file and migrate the old settings into it. Interface and Port BindingThe BindAddress and Port directives no longer exist; their functionality is now provided by a moreflexible Listen directive.If Port 80 was set in the 1.3 version configuration file, change it to Listen 80 in the 2.0 configu-ration file. If Port was set to some value other than 80, then append the port number to the contentsof the ServerName directive.For example, the following is a sample Apache HTTP Server 1.3 directive:Port 123ServerName www.example.comTo migrate this setting to Apache HTTP Server 2.0, use the following structure:Listen 123ServerName