150 Chapter 10. Apache HTTP Server10.5.53. LanguagePriorityLanguagePriority sets precedence for different languages in case the client Web browser has nolanguage preference set.10.5.54. AddTypeUse the AddType directive to define or override a default MIME type and file extension pairs. Thefollowing example directive tells the Apache HTTP Server to recognize the .tgz file extension:AddType application/x-tar .tgz10.5.55. AddHandlerAddHandler maps file extensions to specific handlers. For example, the cgi-script handler can bematched with the extension .cgi to automatically treat a file ending with .cgi as a CGI script. Thefollowing is a sample AddHandler directive for the .cgi extension.AddHandler cgi-script .cgiThis directive enables CGIs outside of the cgi-bin to function in any directory on the server whichhas the ExecCGI option within the directories container. Refer to Section 10.5.21 Directory formore information about setting the ExecCGI option for a directory.In addition to CGI scripts, the AddHandler directive is used to process server-parsed HTML andimage-map files.10.5.56. ActionAction specifies a MIME content type and CGI script pair, so that whenever a file of that media typeis requested, a particular CGI script is executed.10.5.57. ErrorDocumentThe ErrorDocument directive associates an HTTP response code with a message or a URL to be sentback to the client. By default, the Web server outputs a simple and usually cryptic error message whenan error occurs. The ErrorDocument directive forces the Web server to instead output a customizedmessage or page.ImportantTo be valid, the message must be enclosed in a pair of double quotes ["].10.5.58. BrowserMatchThe BrowserMatch directive allows the server to define environment variables and take appropriateactions based on the User-Agent HTTP header field — which identifies the client’s Web browser type.By default, the Web server uses BrowserMatch to deny connections to specific browsers with knownproblems and also to disable keepalives and HTTP header flushes for browsers that are known to haveproblems with those actions.