Chapter 10. Apache HTTP Server 147%r (request string)Lists the request string exactly as it came from the browser or client.%s (status)Lists the HTTP status code which was returned to the client host.%b (bytes)Lists the size of the document.%\"%{Referer}i\" (referrer)Lists the URL of the webpage which referred the client host to Web server.%\"%{User-Agent}i\" (user-agent)Lists the type of Web browser making the request.10.5.37. CustomLogCustomLog identifies the log file and the log file format. By default, the log is recorded to the/var/log/httpd/access_log file.The default CustomLog format is combined. The following illustrates the combined log file format:remotehost rfc931 user date "request" status bytes referrer user-agent10.5.38. ServerSignatureThe ServerSignature directive adds a line containing the Apache HTTP Server server version andthe ServerName to any server-generated documents, such as error messages sent back to clients.ServerSignature is set to on by default.It can also be set to off or to EMail. EMail, adds a mailto:ServerAdmin HTML tag to thesignature line of auto-generated responses.10.5.39. AliasThe Alias setting allows directories outside the DocumentRoot directory to be accessible. AnyURL ending in the alias automatically resolves to the alias’ path. By default, one alias for an icons/directory is already set up. An icons/ directory can be accessed by the Web server, but the directoryis not in the DocumentRoot.10.5.40. ScriptAliasThe ScriptAlias directive defines where CGI scripts are located. Generally, it is not good practice toleave CGI scripts within the DocumentRoot, where they can potentially be viewed as text documents.For this reason, a special directory outside of the DocumentRoot directory containing server-sideexecutables and scripts is designated by the ScriptAlias directive. This directory is known as acgi-bin and set to /var/www/cgi-bin/ by default.It is possible to establish directories for storing executables outside of the cgi-bin directory. Forinstructions on doing so, refer to Section 10.5.55 AddHandler and Section 10.5.21 Directory.