27Englishfig.401238.1 Description of programmingand maintenance phase keysTo surf inside the menu of the vending machineuse the keys described below.Key e: ENTER / beverage 05 (fig. 39)By pressing this key it is possible to access thefollowing level of programming or maintenance.Furthermore it is possible to modify or confirmthe values set in the entries of the programmingor maintenance menus.Key c: CANCEL /beverage 01 (fig. 39)By pressing this key it is possible to go back tothe previous level of the programming ormaintenance menu. It is also possible to avoidstoring the values of the previously requiredmodification.Key !!!!!: DOWN / - sugar (fig. 39)By pressing this key it is possible to access thepreceding entry inside the same menu level. Ifused after requesting to modify a datum, itdecreases its value of this same datum.Key """"": UP / - sugar (fig. 39)By pressing this key it is possible to access thefollowing entry inside the same menu level. Ifused after requesting to modify a datum, itincreases the value of this same datum.8.2 Programming menuThe structure of the programming menu isshown in describes all the entries in the programmingmenu.8.2.1 Entering the programmingmenuOpen the door, insert the key into the safetyswitch (fig.18) and press key P1, located on theCPU card (fig.40, ref. 1) so as to enter theprogramming menu.If no password has been assigned you enter theprogramming menu directly.ImportantIf a password to enable the programming menuwas assigned to the vending machine,‘PASSWORD 0000’ will appear on display witha flashing cursor on the first digit.Now enter the password using UP and DOWNkeys. Confirm the digit entered pressing theENTER key.To exit the programming menu and return to thenormal operation of the vending machine:- press key P1 again;- remove the key from the safety switch to turnoff the vending machine;- close the door and wait for the self-configuration process to end.For more information visit www.Gumball.com | 800-260-0010 | +1-214-550-5079