52English9 - MAINTENANCE9.1 Cleaning and loadingImportantSome operations should be carried out regularlyin order to guarantee the correct operation of themachine; some of these operations are essentialso as to comply with sanitary rules in force.These operations should be executed with thevending machine off and open; cleaning shouldbe done prior to product loading.WarningWash components with warm water only, withoutusing detergents or solvents that could changethe shape and the performance of the machine.Do not wash removable components in the dish-washer.During the cleaning and maintenance operationsdo not stress the machine electrical parts. Donot clean these electrical parts with wet clothesand/or degreasing detergents. Remove powderresidues with a jet of dried compressed air orwith an antistatic cloth.9.1.1 Daily cleaningIt is aimed at preventing the proliferation ofbacteria in the areas in contact with foodstuffs.These operations are to be performed withdrinkable water, clean brushes and cloths.Proceed as follows:Remove and rinse carefully:- powder conveyors, suction chamber, waterconveyor ring, mixing chamber and fan,brewing spouts (fig.44)- brewing outlet - clean inside and outside -(fig.45 ref. 1 and ref. 2)- remove the unit in order to make cleaningeasier (fig.46) and then remove coffee powderresidues with a brush.Fig.44Fig.45”1” ”2”Fig.46For more information visit www.Gumball.com | 800-260-0010 | +1-214-550-5079