5English• It is the buyer’s responsibility to ascertain thatthe machine operators have been trained andinformed of all the indications andspecifications contained in the documentationsupplied. Even so, the operator should beaware of the potential risks that exist whileoperating the automatic vending machine.• Operating reliability and the efficiency of themachine performance are guaranteed only iforiginal spare parts are used.• The user will be held entirely responsible forany modifications made on the machine. Allthe operations necessary to keep themachine in good working order, before andduring use, are user’s duty.• Altering and tampering with the machinewithout prior consent of the manufacturer, willrelease the latter from any liability for anydamage or injury resulting from, or connectedto the above modifications.• This manual reflects the state of the art ofthe automatic vending machine at themoment of the issue on the market. Possiblemodifications, improvements or adjustmentsthat are made to machines that aresubsequently marketed, do not oblige theSaeco International Group either to interveneon the previously supplied machine orconsider it and the relevant manual to bedefective or inadequate.: ReadThis symbol indicates that the user should readthe instruction manual carefully before operatingthe machine.1.3 General instructions::::: WarningBefore using the vending machine, read thismanual carefully. A good knowledge of theinformation and instructions contained in thisdocument is essential for a correct use of thevending machine, in compliance with essentialsafety requirements.WarningL’addetto al rifornimento non deve per alcunmotivo accedere a quelle parti del distributoreautomatico le cui protezioni sono bloccate damezzi che richiedano un utensile per essereliberati.For no reason whatsoever should the personnelin charge of the machine reach those parts ofthe machine that are protected by guardsrequiring special instruments for their removal.Some maintenance operations (to be carried outsolely by specialised technicians) expresslyrequire that certain safety devices be switchedoff.knowledge and absolute respect, from atechnical point of view, of the safety standardsand warnings contained in this manual, arefundamental for installing, using and servicingthe machine under reduced risk conditions.• Vending machine operator is only allowed forinterventions under his own responsibility andspecialization.The user should have a good knowledge ofall mechanisms of the machine, as far as heis concerned.For more information visit www.Gumball.com | 800-260-0010 | +1-214-550-5079