56Englishfig.54fig.55fig.569.2.1 Scheduled and unscheduledmaintenanceThe operations described in this section areintended as an example as they depend ondifferent variables, such as: water hardness,humidity, products used, conditions and quantityof workWarningMake sure the vending machine is off beforeperforming any operation requiring todisassemble some of its parts.Have the following operations performed byqualified personnel only. If the operations are tobe performed with the machine on, choosetrained personnel.More complex interventions, such as removinglimescale from the boiler, require a deepknowledge of the machine.Disinfect all the parts in contact with foodstuffsusing chlorine-based products on a monthlybase, as described in section Brew group maintenancePlastic group. It is advisable to remove it andrinse carefully with hot water on a monthly base;every 5,000 strokes and, in any case, everymonth all moving parts of the group must belubricated with silicon grease for food use (fig.54).- lower filter rod (1).- connecting rod (2)- rails (3)Replace gaskets and filters every 10,000strokes.- gasketsUpper filter (fig. 55):- loosen the upper pin (1) with the wrenchsupplied with the machine.- manually unscrew the filter (2).Lower filter:- unscrew the two side screws (ref. 1, fig. 56)and remove the upper piston stop (2).For more information visit www.Gumball.com | 800-260-0010 | +1-214-550-5079