8EnglishCUP DISPENSERsuitable for cups with 70-71 mm dia. and for cupswith 73 mm dia. through an adequate releasering.BOILER HEATING ELEMENTSarmoured types:from 1,000 Watt for coffee boilerCONTAINER CAPACITYCoffee beans 2.0 KgInstant coffee 0.6 Kg (instead of tea)Granular milk 0.85 KgChocolate 1.7 Kg (or 2.6)Tea 2.0 KgSugar 2.0 KgCups 195Stirrers 185ImportantTo guarantee the correct functioning anddurability of the vending machine, follow theindications below:- room temperature: from +1°C to +40°C- maximum humidity: 90% (withoutcondensation water)3 - SAFETYSTANDARDS3.1 ForewordIn compliance with the Machine Directive 98/37/EEC, Low Tension Directive 73/23/EEC and CEMarking Directive 93/68/EEC, the SaecoInternational Group has drawn up a technical fileon RUBINO 200 vending machine at its plants,acknowledging during the design phase theregulations listed in the Declaration of Conformityinside any vending machine.3.2 General safety rulesWarning- Before using the vending machine, read thismanual carefully.- Installation and maintenance must only becarried out by qualified technicians.- For no reason whatsoever shall the operatorreach those parts of the machine that areprotected by guards requiring specialinstruments for removal.- Good knowledge and absolute respect, froma technical point of view, of the safetystandards and danger warnings contained inthis manual, are imperative for installing,using, servicing and maintaining the machinein minimum minimum risk conditions.WarningAlways disconnect the POWER CABLE beforeservicing or cleaning the machine.Under no circumstances neither service themachine, nor remove safety guards before hotparts have cooled down!fig. 4Data plate showing the minimumand maximum water pressureFor more information visit www.Gumball.com | 800-260-0010 | +1-214-550-5079