EB 3018 EN 5-1Installation5 InstallationThe work described in this section is only tobe performed by personnel appropriatelyqualified to carry out such tasks.Valve and electric actuator can be assem-bled before or after the valve has been in-stalled in the pipeline. We recommend firstinstalling the valve without the electric actua-tor into the pipeline.5.1 Installation conditionsWork positionThe work position for the regulator is thefront view onto all operating controls on theregulator (including any additional fittings)seen from the position of operating person-nel.Plant operators must ensure that, after instal-lation of the device, the operating personnelcan perform all necessary work safely andeasily access the device from the work posi-tion.Pipeline routingThe inlet and outlet lengths vary dependingon several variables and process conditionsand are intended as recommendations. Con-tact SAMSON if the lengths are significantlyshorter than the recommended lengths.To ensure that the regulator functions proper-ly, proceed as follows:Î Observe the inlet and outlet lengths (seeTable 5-1). Contact SAMSON if the reg-ulator conditions or state of the mediumprocess deviate.Î Install the regulator free of stress andwith the least amount of vibrations aspossible. Read information under‘Mounting position’ and ‘Support or sus-pension’ in this section.Î Install the regulator allowing sufficientspace to remove the valve, actuator andelectric actuator or to perform servicework on them.Mounting positionTo ensure that the regulator functions proper-ly, proceed as follows:Î Install the actuator housing suspendeddownward in horizontal pipelines (seeFig. 5-1).Î The electric actuator must be mountedabove the valve body.Î Make sure the direction of flow matchesthe direction indicated by the arrow onthe body.Î Contact SAMSON if the mounting posi-tion is not as specified above.Possible malfunction and damage due toadverse weather conditions (temperature,humidity).− Do not install the regulator outdoors or inrooms prone to frost.− Protect the regulator against frost if it isused to control freezing media.− Either heat the regulator or remove it fromthe plant and completely drain the residualmedium.NOTICE!