EB 3018 EN 5-9Installation5.4.1 Leak testThe plant operator is responsible for per-forming the leak test and selecting the testmethod. The leak test must comply with therequirements of the national and internation-al standards that apply at the site of installa-tion.SAMSON's After-sales Service can supportyou to plan and perform a leak test for yourplant.1. Slowly open the shut-off valve (1) in-stalled upstream of the regulator.2. Apply the required test pressure.3. Check the regulator for leakage to theatmosphere.4. Depressurize the pipeline section andvalve.5. Rework any parts that leak and repeatthe leak test.Tip5.4.2 Pressure testThe plant operator is responsible forperforming the pressure test. SAMSON'sAfter-sales Service can support you to planand perform a pressure test for your plant.Risk of valve damage due to a suddenpressure increase and resulting high flowvelocities.− Slowly open the shut-off valves.During the pressure test, make sure the fol-lowing conditions are met:Î Do not allow the pressure to exceed the1.5 times the pressure rating of the valvebody.Î Do not apply a pressure higher than themaximum specified pressure rating to theactuator.Î The regulator must remain open.Therefore, set the maximum set point toensure that the regulator does not close.Alternatively, detach the control line andseal the opening at the valve body with astopper.Î Make sure that the pressure rises simulta-neously upstream and downstream of theregulator to avoid damaging the balanc-ing bellows.NoteNOTICE!