EB 3018 EN 5-3Installation5.2 Preparation for installationValve, actuator and electric actuator can beassembled before or after the valve has beeninstalled in the pipeline. We recommend firstinstalling the valve without the actuators intothe pipeline.Before installation, make sure the followingconditions are met:− The valve is clean.− The valve, actuator, electric actuator andall piping are not damaged.− Install a strainer upstream of the regula-tor.− The valve data on the nameplate (typedesignation, valve size, material, pres-sure rating and temperature range)match the plant conditions (size andpressure rating of the pipeline, mediumtemperature etc.). See the 'Markings onthe device' section for nameplate details.− The requested or required additional fit-tings (see the 'Design and principle ofoperation' section) have been installed orprepared as necessary before installingthe valve.Proceed as follows:Î Lay out the necessary material and toolsto have them ready during installationwork.Î Flush the pipeline before installing theregulator.The plant operator is responsible forcleaning the pipelines in the plant.Î Check any mounted pressure gauges tomake sure they function properly.The plant operator is responsible for clean-ing the pipelines in the plant.Any impurities carried along by the processmedium may impair the proper functioningof the regulator. Therefore, we recommendinstalling a strainer (e.g. SAMSONType 2 NI) upstream of the regulator.NoteNote