7-6 EB 3018 ENOperationÎ Adjustment with actuator · See Fig. 7-1More details on the Type 3274 Electric Actu-ator in u EB 8340; more details on theType 3374 Electric Actuator in u EB 8331-3and u EB 8331-4.1. Close the restriction. To do this, extendthe actuator stem (1.1) of the actuator (1)as far as it will go by pressing the elec-tric override button (or the manual modeof the controller).2. Remove the stem connector (1.2) and re-tract the actuator stem to the top end po-sition using the manual override.3. Loosen the locking screw (2.6) and turnthe set point adjuster (2.3) clockwise ()until the scale reading 0 is located abovethe red groove mark (2.5).4. Thread the lock nut (2.2) downwardagainst the set point adjuster (2.3) whilemaking sure the rod is not turned byholding the threaded rod (2.1) stationaryat the flattened part using a wrench.5. Determine the turns required to achievethe desired flow rate from the adjustmentdiagrams (see Table 7-3).6. Turn the hex nut on the set point adjuster(2.3) until the previously determinedscale reading is located above the redgroove mark (2.5) on the reference ring.7. Check the flow rate at the heat meter andcorrect it, if necessary.8. Once the flow rate is set as required,lock the setting with the locking screw(2.6).9. Extend the actuator stem (1.1) as far as itwill go using the manual override.10. Position the stem connector clamps (1.2)and screw them tight.11. Slightly retract the actuator stem to allowthe lock nut (2.2) to move. Thread thelock nut upwards toward the stem con-nector to lock the setting.