159 2C. SettingsInterphone StudyInterphone is a large international study designed todetermine whether cell phones increase the risk ofhead and neck cancer. A report published in theInternational Journal of Epidemiology (June, 2010)compared cell phone usage for more than 5,000people with brain tumors (glioma and meningioma)and a similar number of healthy controls.Results of this study did NOT show that cell phonescaused brain cancer. In this study, most people hadno increased risk of brain cancer from using cellphones. For people with the heaviest use of cellphones (an average of more than ½ hour per day,every day, for over 10 years) the study suggested aslight increase in brain cancer. However, the authorsdetermined that biases and errors prevented anyconclusions being drawn from this data. Additionalinformation about Interphone can be found at http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2010/pdfs/pr200_E.pdf.Interphone is the largest cell phone study to date, butit did not answer all questions about cell phone safety.Additional research is being conducted around theworld, and the FDA continues to monitordevelopments in this field.International Cohort Study on Mobile Phone Users (COSMOS)The COSMOS study aims to conduct long-termhealth monitoring of a large group of people todetermine if there are any health issues linked tolong-term exposure to radio frequency energy fromcell phone use. The COSMOS study will followapproximately 300,000 adult cell phone users inEurope for 20 to 30 years. Additional informationabout the COSMOS study can be found athttp://www.ukcosmos.org/index.html.Risk of Brain Cancer from Exposure to Radio Frequency Fields in Childhoodand Adolescence (MOBI-KIDS)MOBI-KIDS is an international study investigating therelationship between exposure to radio frequencyenergy from communication technologies includingcell phones and brain cancer in young people. This isan international multi-center study involving 14