2C. Settings 19411. THIRD-PARTY APPLICATIONS. Certain third partyapplications may be included with, or downloaded tothis mobile device. Samsung makes norepresentations whatsoever about any of theseapplications. Since Samsung has no control oversuch applications, you acknowledge and agree thatSamsung is not responsible for the availability of suchapplications and is not responsible or liable for anycontent, advertising, products, services, or othermaterials on or available from such applications. Youexpressly acknowledge and agree that use of thirdparty applications is at your sole risk and that theentire risk of unsatisfactory quality, performance,accuracy and effort is with you. It is up to you to takeprecautions to ensure that whatever you select to useis free of such items as viruses, worms, Trojan horses,and other items of a destructive nature. References onthis mobile device to any names, marks, products, orservices of any third-parties are provided solely as aconvenience to you, and do not constitute or imply anendorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation of, oraffiliation with the third party or its products andservices. You agree that Samsung shall not beresponsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for anydamage or loss, including but not limited to anydamage to the mobile device or loss of data, causedor alleged to be caused by, or in connection with, useof or reliance on any such third party content,products, or services available on or through any suchapplication. You acknowledge and agree that the useof any third-party application is governed by suchthird party application provider's Terms of Use,License Agreement, Privacy Policy, or other suchagreement and that any information or personal datayou provide, whether knowingly or unknowingly, tosuch third-party application provider, will be subject tosuch third party application provider's privacy policy, ifsuch a policy exists. SAMSUNG DISCLAIMS ANYRESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DISCLOSURE OFINFORMATION OR ANY OTHER PRACTICES OF ANYTHIRD PARTY APPLICATION PROVIDER. SAMSUNGEXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTYREGARDING WHETHER YOUR PERSONALINFORMATION IS CAPTURED BY ANY THIRD PARTY