185 2C. Settingssuch as collision with an object, fire, flooding, dirt,windstorm, lightning, earthquake, exposure to weatherconditions, theft, blown fuse, or improper use of anyelectrical source; (i) defects or damage resulting fromcellular signal reception or transmission, or viruses orother software problems introduced into the Product;or (j) Product used or purchased outside the UnitedStates. This Limited Warranty covers batteries only ifbattery capacity falls below 80% of rated capacity orthe battery leaks, and this Limited Warranty does notcover any battery if (i) the battery has been chargedby a battery charger not specified or approved bySAMSUNG for charging the battery; (ii) any of theseals on the battery are broken or show evidence oftampering; or (iii) the battery has been used inequipment other than the SAMSUNG phone for whichit is specified.What are SAMSUNG’s obligations?During the applicable warranty period, provided theProduct is returned in accordance with the terms ofthis Limited Warranty, SAMSUNG will repair or replacethe Product, at SAMSUNG’s sole option, withoutcharge. SAMSUNG may, at SAMSUNG’s sole option,use rebuilt, reconditioned, or new parts orcomponents when repairing any Product, or mayreplace the Product with a rebuilt, reconditioned ornew Product.Repaired/replaced cases, pouches and holsters willbe warranted for a period of ninety (90) days. All otherrepaired/replaced Products will be warranted for aperiod equal to the remainder of the original LimitedWarranty on the original Product or for ninety (90)days, whichever is longer. All replaced Products, parts,components, boards and equipment shall becomethe property of SAMSUNG. Except to any extentexpressly allowed by applicable law, transfer orassignment of this Limited Warranty is prohibited.What must you do to obtain warranty service?To obtain service under this Limited Warranty, youmust return the Product to an authorized phoneservice facility in an adequate container for shipping,accompanied by the sales receipt or comparableproof of sale showing the original date of purchase,the serial number of the Product and the seller’sname and address.