191 2C. Settings3. LIMITATIONS ON END USER RIGHTS. You may notreverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, orotherwise attempt to discover the source code oralgorithms of, the Software (except and only to theextent that such activity is expressly permitted byapplicable law not withstanding this limitation), ormodify, or disable any features of, the Software, orcreate derivative works based on the Software. Youmay not rent, lease, lend, sublicense or providecommercial hosting services with the Software.4. CONSENT TO USE OF DATA. You agree thatSamsung and its affiliates may collect and usetechnical information gathered as part of the productsupport services related to the Software provided toyou, if any, such as IMEI (your device’s uniqueidentification number), device number, model name,customer code, access recording, your device’scurrent SW version, MCC (Mobile Country Code),MNC (Mobile Network Code). Samsung and itsaffiliates may use this information solely to improvetheir products or to provide customized services ortechnologies to you and will not disclose thisinformation in a form that personally identifies you. Atall times your information will be treated inaccordance with Samsung’s Privacy Policy, which canbe viewed at: http://account.samsung.com/membership/pp.5. SOFTWARE UPDATES. Samsung may provide to youor make available to you updates, upgrades,supplements and add-on components (if any) of theSoftware, including bug fixes, service upgrades (partsor whole), products or devices, and updates andenhancements to any software previously installed(including entirely new versions), (collectively“Update”) after the date you obtain your initial copy ofthe Software to improve the Software and ultimatelyenhance your user experience with your device. ThisEULA applies to all and any component of the Updatethat Samsung may provide to you or make availableto you after the date you obtain your initial copy of theSoftware, unless we provide other terms along withsuch Update. To use Software provided throughUpdate, you must first be licensed for the Softwareidentified by Samsung as eligible for the Update. Afterthe Update, you may no longer use the Software thatformed the basis for your Update eligibility. The