193 2C. Settingssuch as a consignment. Prior to the transfer, the enduser receiving the Software must agree to all theEULA terms.8. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. You acknowledge that theSoftware is subject to export restrictions of variouscountries. You agree to comply with all applicableinternational and national laws that apply to theSoftware, including all the applicable export restrictionlaws and regulations.9. TERMINATION. This EULA is effective untilterminated. Your rights under this License willterminate automatically without notice from Samsungif you fail to comply with any of the terms andconditions of this EULA. Upon termination of thisEULA, you must cease all use of the Software anddestroy all copies, full or partial, of the Software.10. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. UNLESS SEPARATELYSTATED IN A WRITTEN EXPRESS LIMITEDWARRANTY ACCOMPANYING YOUR DEVICE, ALLSOFTWARE PROVIDED BY SAMSUNG WITH THISMOBILE DEVICE (WHETHER INCLUDED WITH THEDEVICE, DOWNLOADED, OR OTHERWISEOBTAINED) IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ON AN "ASAVAILABLE" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANYKIND FROM SAMSUNG, EITHER EXPRESS ORIMPLIED. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT POSSIBLEPURSUANT TO APPLICABLE LAW, SAMSUNGDISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS, IMPLIED,OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,SATISFACTORY QUALITY OR WORKMANLIKEEFFORT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,RELIABILITY OR AVAILABILITY, ACCURACY, LACK OFVIRUSES, QUIET ENJOYMENT, NON INFRINGEMENTOF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS OR OTHER VIOLATION OFRIGHTS. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOWEXCLUSIONS OR LIMITATIONS OF IMPLIEDWARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSIONS ORLIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. NO ADVICEOR INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN,OBTAINED BY YOU FROM SAMSUNG OR ITSAFFILIATES SHALL BE DEEMED TO ALTER THISDISCLAIMER BY SAMSUNG OF WARRANTYREGARDING THE SOFTWARE, OR TO CREATE ANYWARRANTY OF ANY SORT FROM SAMSUNG.