17 2A. Device Basics Status Bar is located at the top of the screen. It isvisible from all Home screens, and displaysNotification and Status icons. Status Area displays icons to show the status ofthe device, such as signal strength, Bluetooth andWi-Fi status, battery level, and location status. Notification Area displays icons to notify you ofnew email, text or MMS messages, missed calls,voicemail, upcoming events, a USB connection,and text/MMS. Shortcuts are icons that launch applications. Yourphone comes with pre-loaded app shortcuts, asshown here, and you can add shortcuts to yourfavorite apps. Primary Shortcuts are app shortcuts that are pre-loaded at the bottom of the Home screen, andappear at the bottom of all Home screen panels. Youcan customize the primary shortcuts, except for theApps shortcuts. Widgets are self-contained onscreen applications(not shortcuts). These can be placed onto any of theavailable screens.NotificationAreaStatusAreaShortcutsPrimaryShortcutsWidgets