Settings 151Nearby DevicesShare files with nearby devices using DLNA (Digital LivingNetwork Alliance) over Wi-Fi.Note: To use Nearby devices for sharing, you must have set upa connection with another Wi-Fi device that supportsDLNA.1. From the Connections menu, touch Nearby devices. TheNearby devices screen displays.2. Touch the Nearby devices slider to turn Nearbydevices ON.– or –Touch the Nearby devices slider to turn Nearbydevices OFF.• Device name: View your device’s name. (To change the Devicename, see “About Device” on page 186.)3. Under Advanced, touch options to control how contentis shared from your device:• Shared contents: Choose the type of content to share, fromVideos, Photos, or Music.• Allowed devices list: Lists Wi-Fi devices allowed to accessyour device.• Not-allowed devices list: Lists Wi-Fi devices blocked fromaccessing your device.• Download to: Choose a location to save downloaded content,Device (USB storage) or SD card.• Upload from other devices: Choose how to handle incomingfiles from other devices, from Always accept, Always ask, orAlways reject.OFFOFFONON