Settings 169MotionMotion lets you control a number of the phone’s functions bymoving your hand or finger across the screen in a particularpattern or by moving the phone itself in a particular way.Note: For more information about using Motion, see “Motions”on page 24.1. From the My device menu, touch the Motion slider, toturn Motion features ON .2. From the My device menu, touch Motion.3. Touch the following options to create a check mark andenable them:• Direct call: Once enabled, the device will dial the currentlydisplayed on-screen Contact entry as soon as you place thedevice to your ear.• Smart alert: Once enabled, pickup the device to be alerted andnotified of you have missed any calls or messages.• Double tap to top: Once enabled, double tap the top of thedevice to be taken to the top of the current on-screen list.• Tilt to zoom: Once enabled, you must be on a screen wherecontent can be zoomed. In a single motion, touch and hold twopoints on the display then tilt the tilt the device back and forth tozoom in or out.• Pan to move icon: Once enabled, touch and hold a desiredapplication shortcut icon or widget on the screen. Once itdetaches, move the device left or right to migrate it to a newlocation.• Pan to browse images: Once enabled, touch and hold adesired on-screen image to pan around it. Move the device leftor right to pan vertically or up and down to pan horizontallyaround the large on-screen image.• Shake to update: Once enabled, shake your device to re-scanfor Bluetooth devices, re-scan for Wi-Fi devices, Refresh a Webpage, etc.• Turn over to mute/pause: Once enabled, mute incoming callsand any playing sounds by turning the device display down ona surface. This is the opposite of the Pickup to be NotifiedGesture.ONON