178• Data usage:– Auto download attachments: When enabled, automaticallydownloads attachments to recent messages, but only whenyour device is connected to a Wi-Fi network.– Auto resend times: Choose the number of times toautomatically resend a message before marking it un-sent.• Exchange ActiveSync settings:– Folder sync settings: Choose email automatic synchronizationschedules for individual folders.– Period to sync Calendar: Choose the period of time for thephone to synchronize calendar events (2 weeks, 1 month,3 months, 6 months, or All calendar).– Empty server trash: Delete your email account’s trash binremotely.– In case of sync conflict: Choose whether your Device haspriority or the Server has priority during automaticsynchronization.– Security options: Set advanced Email security options (Encryptall, Sign all, Key management).– Sync Contacts: Synchronize the phone’s contacts list with theExchange server’s contacts list.– Sync Calendar: Synchronize the phone’s calendar with theExchange server’s calendar.– Sync Task: Synchronize the phone’s Task list with theExchange server’s Task list.– Exchange server settings: Change the server link settings onyour device.