156• Screen:– Brightness: configures the LCD Brightness levels. TouchAutomatic brightness to allow the phone to self-adjust or dragthe slider and touch OK.– Auto rotate screen: When enabled, automatically switchesthe display orientation when you rotate the phone.– Screen timeout: Adjust the delay time before the screenautomatically turns off. Selections are: 15 seconds, 30 seconds,1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, and 10 minutes.– Daydream: When set to ON, lets you configure the screen thatappears when your phone is docked or sleeping. Touch theDaydream slider to turn Daydream ON.• Font:– Font style: Select the text font style that appears in screens.You can also touch Get fonts online to choose from a widerselection.– Font size: Select the size of the text that appears in screens.• More settings:– Touch key light duration: Select the inactive time the Menuand Back keys remain lit.– Show battery percentage: When enabled, the battery chargepercentage appears next to the battery charge icon at the top ofthe display.– Auto adjust screen tone: When enabled, saves power byhaving the phone analyze the displayed screen images andadjust the display brightness.Tip: When turned ON, your Daydream settingstake the place of the Desk home screendisplay setting. For more information, refer to“Accessory” on page 161.OFFOFF