Cleaning the inside of the printerPress and hold Demo for about 2 seconds until thecontrol panel lights blink slowly to print a demo page.The printer must be in the ready mode.Press and hold Demo for about 6 seconds until thecontrol panel lights blink rapidly to print a configurationsheet. The printer must be in the ready mode. Forfurther information, see page 7.6.Press and hold Demo for about 10 seconds until thecontrol panel lights remain illuminated to automaticallyclean the inside of the printer. After cleaning the printer,one cleaning sheet prints. For further information, seepage 7.6.Print demo page and configuration sheetIgnoring Mismatched PaperWhen the size of paper you're using is different fromthe one you have set in the printer's properties, pressthe Demo button to ignore the message and feedpaper from the corresponding input tray.Start manual feedingWhen you select Manual Feed for Paper Sourcefrom your software application, you should pressDemo each time you feed a sheet of paper manually.For further information, see page 4.10.Control Panel Buttons3.3USING THE CONTROL PANEL