P RINTING TASKS 5.21Printing WatermarksThe Watermark option allows you to print text over an existingdocument. For example, you may want to have large grayletters reading “DRAFT” or “CONFIDENTIAL” printed diagonallyacross the first page or all pages of a document.There are several predefined watermarks that come with theML-1650 series printer, and they can be modified or you canadd new ones to the list.1 When you change the print settings from your softwareapplication, access the printer properties. See page 5.2for more information on accessing printer properties.2 Click the Watermark tab, and select the desiredwatermark in the Message drop-down list. You will seethe selected watermark in the preview window.3 Click OK, then start printing.To use an existingwatermarkpreviewwindowP RINTING TASKS 5.21