5.20 PRINTING TASKSThis option can be used for configuring the halftone of theprinted illustration. The best way to choose a Halftoning settingfor your graphic image is to experiment. Print a graphic imageat each setting and choose the one you like best.• Device – Choose this setting for printed graphic image thatprinter provides.• Fine – Choose this setting for printed images that you wantto have a smooth, realistic and photographicappearance. This setting provides soft contrastsbetween various shades of gray. This setting alsoworks well for images originally designed with color.• Coarse – Choose this setting if your graphic images wereoriginally scanned in through a scanner.• Line art – Choose this setting for graphic images withintricate lines and fine detail, like clip art graphics.This setting provides solid lines and sharpcontrasts between shaded areas.HalftoningThis option can be used for configuring the printer to processgraphics as raster or vector images. Setting this option tellsWindows how to send graphic images to the printer. Allgraphics can be printed as raster images, however somegeometric shapes or patterns print faster if they are printed asvector graphics.• Vector – If you select the Vector setting, Windows will sendgraphics to the printer as a mixture of vector andbitmap images.• Raster – When you select the Raster setting, Windows willsend all graphics to the printer as bit map images.Graphic ModeNote: Not all graphic images can print using the VVeeccttoorrsetting. If you are using the VVeeccttoorr setting, and your graphicimages do not print as they appear on your computer screen,select the RRaasstteerr setting and reprint your graphic.Setting Graphic Properties5.20 PRINTING TASKS