2.17Operating your printerMenu OptionTrueType modeUse device fontsAll text to blackFunctionsAllows you to set how to handle the fonts inyour document. If you select Download asOutline, the driver will download any TrueType fonts that are used in your document butnot already stored on your printer. If you findthat the fonts do not print correctly, chooseDownload as Bit image and resubmit yourprint job. When printing documents with highgraphic content and relatively few True Typefonts, choose Download as Graphics. Thisoption is only available when Graphic mode isset to Raster.When this is checked, the printer uses the fontsthat are stored in memory to print yourdocument rather than downloading the fontsused in your document. Because downloadingfonts takes time, selecting this option can speedup your printing.When this is checked, all text in your documentis printed solid black regardless of the color itappears on the screen. When it is not checked,colored text is printed in shades of gray.Printer tab (Continued)Overlay tabA page overlay, similar to the watermark feature, is a group of PCLcommands and/or data created by the user that is downloaded andstored in the printer. Once stored in the printer, a page overlay can beinvoked upon request, again and again. Page overlays eliminate the needto download the same information over and over again, thus savingtransmission time. For more details on using overlay, click the Helpbutton.02-Operating 3/2/00 9:36 AM Page 19