4.6 TroubleshootingProblem Cause and solutionA page is printed with the “PCL 5e: Insufficient Memory”message. There is not enough memory installed to print thepage. Print the page with a lower resolution or expand theprinter memory. See “Adding printer memory” on page 3.6.• Paper may not be loaded or aligned correctly in the paperfeeder.• The application’s paper size and margin settings may beincorrect.• Make sure that you are using the correct printer driver.Select ML-5200A as the default printer in your application.• The printer cable specifications may be incorrect. Use anIEEE-1284 rated cable for parallel connection and USBv1.0-compliant cable for USB connection.• The page layout may be too complex. Simplify the pagelayout and remove any unnecessary graphics from thedocument if possible. You can also lower the printresolution to 300dpi.• The page orientation setting may be incorrect. Change thepage orientation in the printer driver.•The paper size loaded in the paper feeder and the softwarepaper size settings may not match. Insert the correct paperinto the printer or change the software paper size settings.• The printer cable may not be connected properly. Checkthe printer cable connection.• There may be a problem with the printer driver software.Exit Windows and reboot the computer. Turn the printeroff, on again.• The printer cable specifications may be incorrect. Use theprinter cable supplied with the printer or replace the cablewith an IEEE-1284 rated cable.• The wrong printer driver may be elected. Select thecorrect printer driverInsufficient memoryPrintout does not matchpaper size.Half of the page is blank.The printer prints thewrong data, or incorrectcharacters.04-Troubleshooting 3/2/00 9:15 AM Page 8