APPOINTMENT REMINDERWhen programmed for a specific time, a keyset will sound a distinctive ring to remind the user of meetingsor appointments. Alarms can be set for “today only” or for every day at the same time. Up to three alarms maybe set at each keyset. Display keysets can program a message to be displayed when the alarm rings. Non-dis-play keyset users must have the system administrator program messages for them.AUTOMATIC HOLDStation users can enable or disable automatic hold at their keysets. While a user is engaged on an outside(C.O.) call, pressing another trunk key, route key or CALL button automatically puts the call on hold when thisfeature is enabled. Pressing TRSF, CONFERENCE, PAGE or a DSS key will always automatically place the call onhold. This type of automatic hold is not a user-selectable option. Intercom calls can be automatically held ifIntercom Auto Hold is set to ON for the entire system.AUTOMATIC PRIVACYAll conversations on outside lines and intercom calls are automatically private. The privacy feature can beturned off on a per-line basis.BACKGROUND MUSICKeyset users may choose to hear music through their keyset speakers when optional external sources areinstalled. Each user may adjust this level by the use of a volume control program at the selected keyset.BUSY STATION CALLBACKWhen reaching a busy station, callers may request a callback by pressing one button or dialing a code. Thesystem rings the caller back when that station becomes idle (a system-wide maximum of 100 callbacks areallowed at one time including busy station and busy trunk).BUSY STATION INDICATIONS (BLF)DSS/BLF keys may be assigned to any keyset or add-on module.These buttons will be off when the station isidle, light red when that station is in use and flash distinctively when that station is in the DND mode.The sys-tem can be programmed to allow the DSS keys to be used to pickup calls at other keysets.CALL COVERAGE KEYThese keys (buttons) provide a convenient way to cover calls ringing at other stations. Keyset users can haveone or multiple call coverage keys programmed for a station. These buttons flash when a new call or recall isringing at the programmed station. In addition, a call coverage delay ring time can be programmed to pro-vide an audible ring tone either immediately or delayed from 1 to 250 seconds. Call coverage keys only flashand ring when the covered station is idle. When the covered station is off hook the call coverage key lightsred to indicate a busy condition.CALL FORWARDINGStation users can forward internal and outside calls to other destinations immediately (Forward All), whenbusy (Forward Busy) or if not answered in a programmable number of seconds (Forward No Answer). Theseforward destinations can all be different. Once a destination has been programmed, it can be turned on andoff with a programmable key. Forward All takes priority over Busy and No Answer conditions.In addition to the three usual methods of forwarding described above, a fourth option called Follow Me isavailable. This option allows a station user to set a Forward All condition from his/her station to another sta-tion while at the remote station. To display the Follow Me condition, the TRSF/transfer key lights steady red4.30