102Printing quality problemsIf the inside of the machine is dirty or paper has been loaded improperly,you may notice a reduction in print quality. See the table below to clear theproblem.Pages print, butthey are blank.The toner cartridgeis defective or out oftoner.Redistribute the toner, ifnecessary.If necessary, replace thetoner cartridge.The file may haveblank pages.Check the file to ensure thatit does not contain blankpages.Some parts, such asthe controller or theboard, may bedefective.Contact a servicerepresentative.The printer doesnot print PDF filecorrectly. Someparts ofgraphics, text, orillustrations aremissing.Incompatibilitybetween the PDFfile and the Acrobatproducts.Printing the PDF file as animage may enable the file toprint. Turn on Print As Imagefrom the Acrobat printingoptions.It will take longer toprint when you print aPDF file as an image.Your machinehas an odd smellduring initialuse.The oil used toprotect the fuser isevaporating.After printing about 100 colorpages, there will be no moresmell. It is a temporary issue.The print qualityof photos is notgood. Imagesare not clear.The resolution of thephoto is very low. Reduce the photo size. If youincrease the photo size in thesoftware application, theresolution will be reduced.The machineprints, but thetext is wrong,garbled, orincomplete.If you are under theDOS environment,the font setting foryour machine maybe set incorrectly.Suggested solutions: Changethe language setting. (See "Inthe multi-purpose tray" onpage96)Before printing,the machineemits vapor nearthe output tray.Using damp papercan cause vaporduring printing.This is not a problem. Justkeep printing.CONDITION POSSIBLE CAUSE SUGGESTED SOLUTIONSCONDITION SUGGESTED SOLUTIONSLight or faded print If a vertical white streak or faded area appearson the page:• The toner supply is low. You may be ableto temporarily extend the toner cartridgelife. If this does not improve the printquality, install a new toner cartridge.• The paper may not meet paperspecifications; for example, the paper maybe too moist or rough. (See "In the multi-purpose tray" on page96)• If the entire page is light, the printresolution setting is too low or the tonersave mode is on. Adjust the print resolutionand turn the toner save mode off. See thehelp screen of the printer driver and refer toSoftware section, respectively.• A combination of faded or smeared defectsmay indicate that the toner cartridge needscleaning. Contact a service representative.• The surface of the LSU part inside themachine may be dirty. Clean the LSU,contact a service representative.Toner specks • The paper may not meet specifications; forexample, the paper may be too moist orrough. (See "In the multi-purpose tray" onpage96)• The transfer roller may be dirty. Clean theinside of your machine. Contact a servicerepresentative.• The paper path may need cleaning. Contacta service representative.Dropouts If faded areas, generally rounded, occurrandomly on the page:• A single sheet of paper may be defective.Try reprinting the job.• The moisture content of the paper isuneven or the paper has moist spots on itssurface. Try a different brand of paper.(See "In the multi-purpose tray" on page96)• The paper lot is bad. The manufacturingprocesses can cause some areas to rejecttoner. Try a different kind or brand ofpaper.• Change the printer option and try again. Goto printer properties, click Paper tab, andset type to Thick Paper. Refer to theSoftware section for details.• If these steps do not correct the problem,contact a service representative.