106Common PostScript problemsThe following situations are PS language specific and may occur whenseveral printer languages are being used.Common Windows problemsThe incoming fax hasblank spaces or is ofpoor-quality.• The fax machine sending you the fax maybe faulty.• A noisy phone line can cause line errors.• Check your machine by making a copy.• The toner cartridge may be empty. Replacethe toner cartridge. (See "In the multi-purpose tray" on page96)Some of the wordson an incoming faxare stretched.The fax machine sending the fax had atemporary document jam.There are lines onthe originals yousent.Check your scan unit for marks and clean it.(See "In the multi-purpose tray" on page96)The machine dials anumber, but theconnection with theother fax machinefails.The other fax machine may be turned off, outof paper, or cannot answer incoming calls.Speak with the other machine operator andask her/him to solve out the problem.Faxes do not store inmemory.There may not be enough memory space tostore the fax. If the display shows the low Faxmemory is full. Print or remove received faxJob message, delete any faxes you no longerneed from the memory and then try to store thefax again. Please call for service.Blank areas appearat the bottom of eachpage or on otherpages, with a smallstrip of text at thetop.You may have chosen the wrong papersettings in the user option setting. For detailsabout paper settings. (See "In the multi-purpose tray" on page96)To receive a printed or screen-displayed message when PostScripterrors occur, open the Print Options window and click the desiredselection next to the PostScript errors section.PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSE SOLUTIONPostScript filecannot beprinted.The PostScriptdriver may not beinstalled correctly.• Install the PostScriptdriver, referring toSoftware section.• Print a configuration pageand verify that the PSversion is available forprinting.• If the problem persists,contact a servicerepresentative.“Limit CheckError” messageappears.The print job wastoo complex. You might need to reduce thecomplexity of the page orinstall more memory.CONDITION SUGGESTED SOLUTIONSA PostScripterror page prints.The print job maynot be PostScript.Make sure that the print job isa PostScript job. Check tosee whether the softwareapplication expected a setupor PostScript header file to besent to the machine.The optional trayis not selected inthe driver.The printer driverhas not beenconfigured torecognize theoptional tray.Open the PostScript driverproperties, select the DeviceSettings tab, and set the Trayoption of the InstallableOptions section to Installed.The machinedoes not staplecorrectly whenprinting morethan one copyfrom AcrobatReader with acollate option.(only in Window/Macintosh)It might takelonger to printwhen you print aPDF file as animage.Try to print with the latestAdobe Reader program orprint with turning on "Print asImage" option from Acrobatprinting options. It might takelonger to print when you printa PDF file as an image.The machinedoes not staplecorrectly whenprinting morethan one copywith a collateoption. (only inLinux)Turning offcollation optionson applications(including CUPSpstops collationoption) may solvethis problem.If you want to use thecollation option, go to printerdriver’s advanced option andturn the collation on.CONDITION SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS“File in Use”message appearsduring installation.Exit all software applications. Remove allsoftware from the StartUp Group, then restartWindows. Reinstall the printer driver.“General ProtectionFault”, “ExceptionOE”, “Spool32”, or“Illegal Operation”messages appear.Close all other applications, reboot Windowsand try printing again.“Fail To Print”, “Aprinter timeout erroroccurred.” messagesappear.These messages may appear during printing.Just keep waiting until the machine finishesprinting. If the message appears in standbymode or after printing has been completed,check the connection and/or whether an errorhas occurred.Refer to Microsoft Windows User’s Guide that came with yourcomputer for further information on Windows error messages.PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSE SOLUTION