13.13 < Troubleshooting>Common Linux problemsProblem Possible cause and solutionsThe machine does notprint.• Check if the printer driver is installed in yoursystem. Open Unified Driver configuratorand switch to the Printers tab in Printersconfiguration window to look at the list ofavailable printers. Make sure that yourmachine is displayed on the list. If not,please, invoke Add new printer wizard toset up your device.• Check if the printer has started. OpenPrinters configuration and select yourmachine on the printers list. Look at thedescription in the Selected printer pane. Ifits status contains “(stopped)” string,please, press the Start button. After thatnormal operation of the printer should berestored. The “stopped” status might beactivated when some problems in printingoccurred. For instance, this could be anattempt to print a document when a port isclaimed by a scanning application.• Check if the port is not busy. Sincefunctional components of MFP (printer andscanner) share the same I/O interface(port), the situation of simultaneous accessof different “consumer” applications to thesame port are possible. To avoid possibleconflicts, only one of them at a time isallowed to gain control over the device. Theother “consumer” will encounter “devicebusy” response. You should open portsconfiguration and select the port assignedto your printer. In the Selected port paneyou can see if the port is occupied by someother application. If this is the case, youshould wait for completion of the current jobor should press Release port button, if youare sure that the present owner is notfunctioning properly.• Check if your application has special printoption such as “-oraw”. If “-oraw” isspecified in the command line parameterthen remove it to print properly. For Gimpfront-end, select “print” -> “Setup printer”and edit command line parameter in thecommand item.• The CUPS (Common Unix Printing System)version distributed with SuSE Linux 9.2(cups-1.1.21) has a problem with ipp(Internet Printing Protocol) printing. Use thesocket printing instead of ipp or install laterversion of CUPS (cups-1.1.22 or higher).The machine does notappear on thescanners list.• Check if your machine is attached to yourcomputer. Make sure that it is connectedproperly via the USB port and is turned on.• Check if the scanner driver for yourmachine is installed in your system. OpenUnified Driver configurator, switch toScanners configuration, then pressDrivers. Make sure that driver with a namecorresponding to your machine's name islisted in the window. Check if the port is notbusy. Since functional components of MFP(printer and scanner) share the same I/Ointerface (port), the situation ofsimultaneous access of different“consumer” application to the same port ispossible. To avoid possible conflicts, onlyone of them at a time is allowed to gaincontrol over the device. The other“consumer” will encounter “device busy”response. This can usually happen whilestarting scan procedure, and appropriatemessage box appears.• To identify the source of the problem, youshould open ports configuration and selectthe port assigned to your scanner. port'ssymbol /dev/mfp0 corresponds to LP:0designation displayed in the scanners’options, /dev/mfp1 relates to LP:1 and soon. USB ports start at /dev/mfp4, soscanner on USB:0 relates to /dev/mfp4respectively and so forth sequentially. In theSelected port pane you can see if the portis occupied by some other application. Ifthis is the case, you should wait forcompletion of the current job or you shouldpress Release port button, if you are surethat the present port's owner is notfunctioning properly.The printer does notprint PDF file correctly.Some parts of graphics,text or illustrations aremissing.Incompatibility between the PDF file and theAcrobat products:Printing the PDF file as an image may solve thisproblem. Turn on Print as Image from theAcrobat printing options.Note: It will take longer to print when you print aPDF file as an image.Problem Possible cause and solutions