English _59! main menu• IP, Gateway, Subnet Mask, and DNS- For <Static iP> : You can directly input IP address,Gateway, Subnet Mask and DNS.- For <Dynamic iP> : IP address, Gateway, and SubnetMask are set automatically.- For <aDSL> : IP address, Gateway, and Subnet Mask areset automatically.• User ID, Password : In case you selected ADSL, provide the“user iD” and its “Password”.M ` DNS server for <Dynamic IP> and <ADSL> can be set by user only if you selected <Manual>.6. When the connection setup is done, press <OK>.Setting the Protocol1. Use the up/down buttons ($%) in <network> window tomove to <Connection mode>, and press [enTeR]button.2. Select <Protocol>.3. Use direction buttons ($%_ +) to move to a desireditem, and set the value.• Protocol Type : Select the protocol type between TCP andUDP.` If selected UDP, selections of Port (TCP), Port (UDP), and Unicast/Multicast are activated.• Port (TCP) : Initially, <4520~4524> is set. It increases / decreases by 5.- TCP : It has better stability and lower speed when compared to UDP, and recommended for internetenvironments.• Port (UDP) : Initially, <8000~8160> is set. It increases / decreases by 160.- UDP : It has less stability and faster speed when compared to TCP, and recommended for local areanetwork (LAN) environments.• Unicast/Multicast : Select one between Unicast and Multicast.If selected Multicast, Multicast IP and TTL are activated.- Unicast : Transfers data (UDP, TCP) individually to each connecting client.- Multicast : Multiple client can receive the data (only in UDP) without putting additional traffic load to thenetwork.• Multicast IP : User can directly input.• TTL : Select from 0 ~ 255. Initial value for the TTL is set to <5>.• Webviewer Port : Enter the port number for the Web Viewer. Initially, it is set to <80>.• Multi Browser Support : You can use a Silverlight-compliant web browser to connect to the Web Viewer.Multi browsers are enabled only if the TCP port is set to between 4505 and 4530 with the Web Viewer portof 80. This is a security measure in order to enable Silverlight.M ` As UDP protocol may cause a packet loss on the network, it is recommended to use TCP protocols.` If you select UDP protocols and set port forwarding in the IP router, ending up with an unstable network connection,configure the DMZ settings in the IP router as necessary.4. When the protocol setup is done, press <OK>.Connection ModeConnection Protocol Connection Mode ADSL Bandwidth 600kbpsOK Cancel IP 192.168. 1. 200 Gateway Subnet Mask DNS Manual User ID ID Password ************Connection ModeProtocolConnection Protocol Type TCP Port(TCP) 4520 ~ 4524 Port(UDP) 8000 ~ 8160 Unicast/Multicast Unicast Multicast IP TTL 5 Webviewer Port 80* Multi Browser Support :TCP Port 4505~4530, Webviewer Port 80OK Cancel