90_ Web ViewerWeb VieweruSIng SeArch VIeWerThe Search Viewer screen consists of following :a This displays the IP address and the model name of the connected DVR.b These menus consist of <lIVe>, <SeArch>, <SetuP>, <About>.c These buttons are used for the screen split and full screen mode.d Shows the IP address and model name of the connected DVR.e Select the format of OSD information that will be displayed on Live Viewer.f These buttons are used for capture, print, and save the image.g This displays a calendar at which you can search the recorded video.h The duplicate check list will appear If there are found duplicates in the same timeline.The duplicated items will be listed in latest-first order.i This displays a timeline at which you can search the recorded video by the time.j These buttons are used for controlling playback.k This displays the screen for playback of recorded video.M ` <SEQUENCE>, <PREVIOUS>, <NEXT> buttons are not available in SEARCH menu.` During the DVR backup, you may have a trouble accessing CMS & Web Search.` Web Viewer on only Internet Explorer can support “Search” function.acdefg kbhij