32Entering textYou may need to enter text, when storing a namein Contacts, creating your personal greeting, orscheduling events in your calendar.Your phone has the following text input modes:• T9 mode*This mode allows you to enter words with onlyone keystroke per letter. Each key on thekeypad has more than one letter. For example,when you press the 5 key once, J, K, or L maybe displayed. The T9 mode automaticallycompares your keystrokes with an internallinguistic dictionary to determine the correctword, thus requiring far fewer keystrokes thanthe traditional ABC mode.• ABC modeThis mode allows you to enter letters bypressing the key labelled with the letter youwant once, twice, three, or four times until theletter is displayed.• Number modeThis mode allows you to enter numbers.• Symbol modeThis mode allows you to enter specialcharacters, like punctuation marks.Changing the text input modeWhen you are in a field that allows characters tobe entered, the text input mode indicator appearsat the bottom of the display.Example: When you write a memo, the followingscreen displays:* is a registered trademark of Tegic Communications, Inc.and is licensed under U.S. Patent 5,818,437/ 5,953,541/6,011,554.Text input modeindicatorEntering text33Shortcuts to the text input modesTo switch between the T9 and ABC mode, pressand hold the key not in Number or Symbolmode but in T9 or ABC mode.Press the key briefly to switch input mode likebelow in ABC mode.> > > >Press the key briefly to switch input mode likebelow in T9 mode.> > > >To change the input mode to Symbol mode, pressand hold the key.Using T9 modeTo enter a word in the T9 mode:1. Start entering the word by pressing the keys2 to 9. Press each key only once for eachletter.Example: To enter “hello” in the T9 mode,press 4, 3, 5, 5 and 6.The word you are entering appears on thedisplay. It may change with each key that youpress.2. Enter the whole word before editing ordeleting any keystrokes.3. If the word is correct, start entering the nextword. Otherwise, press the 0 key to displayalternative word choices for the keys that youpressed.Example: Both “of” and “me” have thesequence of 6 and 3. The phonedisplays the most commonly usedchoice first.