Entering text36ScrollingTo move the cursor to the left or right within thetext, press the Left or Right scroll key.Clearing letters and wordsTo delete letters, press the C key when the cursoris immediately to the right of the letter you wantto delete. Press and hold the C key down to clearthe display.Using number modeYou can enter numbers in Number mode. Pressthe keys corresponding to the required digits.Using symbol modeYou can insert symbols into a text message. Thetext message you’ve entered is shown in thesymbol entering field. Move the cursor to whereyou want to enter a symbol using the Left orRight scroll key.To Press thedisplay moresymbolsUp or Down scroll key.select a symbol corresponding numberkey. The selected symboldisplays in the input box.clear a symbol fromthe input boxC key.insert the editedmessage in thesymbol enteringfield into your textOK key.37Using menu functionsYour phone offers a range of functions that allowyou to tailor the phone to your needs. Thesefunctions are arranged in menus and sub-menus.The menus and sub-menus can be accessed byscrolling using the scroll keys or by using theshortcuts.Accessing a menu function byscrolling1. In idle mode, press the OK key to access themenu.2. Scroll using the scroll keys to reach therequired application menu. Press the OK keyto enter the menu.3. If the menu contains sub-menus, you canaccess them by scrolling using the Up andDown scroll keys and pressing the Select softkey.If the menu that you have selected containsfurther options, repeat the same procedure.4. To Press thescroll throughthe menusUp or Down scrollkey.confirm thechosen settingSelect or Save softkey or the OK key.return to theprevious menu levelBack soft key.exit the menu withoutchangingthe settingskey or the Backsoft key, ifavailable.